Saturday, September 29, 2018


Writer:                         V.S. Ramachandran
genre:                          Autobiography
The event of writing:  Writing his autobiography
Major theme:              There are many factors besides curiosity in                                              making a scientist.



The making of a scientist is an essay written by V.S. Ramachandran. In this excerpt the writer explains about the qualities of a good scientist. Intense curiosity leads people to success. 'Curiosity is the mother of every inventions' is the message the writer has tried to imply through this essay. Only curiosity alone cannot turn a person into a scientist. The person has to be pathologically curious. The environment and support of the near ones help the growth of scientist. Financial independence, use of technology, and a proper role model for we can look up to is also a key factor for developing a good scientist.


Being a scientist is not like reaching a destination rather it is a journey. Curiosity alone cannot make a normal person into a scientist. One must be spiritually almost pathologically curious about the field in which he wants to excel. There must be physical discomfort and numerous challenges for the individual to grow up better and learn faster. The writer has used the analogy of romantic love to describe the relationship between a scientist and curiosity. One requires uninterrupted support and role models to keep him pushing forward. One must be let into a belief that what one has achieved is not adequate and he can reach higher and get more than what he already has. To be a scientist is to be never satisfied with your discoveries. It is the art to be able to question the reason the reason for every existence and willingness to find answers to it. Being a scientist is not to look for rewards but to be happy with your discoveries. The making of a scientist is a very long, excruciating yet an exciting process.


The essay urges one to pursue his dreams and walk along the path curiosity takes him. Curiosity alone is not enough; hard work, passion, determination, and self-discipline is equally important. Everyone has their own different field of interests. Some may be good at sports while others may be good in culinary arts. The should know their field of interest and work accordingly because one can never know when one becomes a scientist. They must never be satisfied with what they have and must always be willing to go beyond.


The text is an excerpt from the autobiography of scientist V.S. Ramachandran. He basically has explained his journey as a scientist, the requirements to turn a normal person into a scientist and the challenges that may cross their path. The writer has mentioned that curiosity is the key to inventions, better and remarkable ideas. But being curious alone is not enough in this journey. The view the writer has presented is quite agreeable. Every other person from a child to elderly are curious about one thing or the other but they are not all scientist, only a few hard working and lethargically curious ones are chosen as a scientist. As a science student, I studied various sections of science like biology, physical computer, etc. but the computer was my favorite so I chose it leading me to be a computer scientist.


The text contains many technical terms making it a little hard to understand. Other than the technical information the social and life instructions it has provided are very easily understandable and is easily applicable. The text inspires to touch the beyond and be a better 'you' every day. One should never be satisfied with what they have. The potential of a person is expandable. The more you do the more you can do. The text is simple and concise but very informative. 


Writer:                       Ariel Gore
Genre:                       Essay
The event of writing: Against the government to stop children                                                          watching movies
Major Theme:           TV can be good if handled smartly



TV can be a good parent is an essay written by a single mother in USA, Ariel Gore. She has put light upon the general idea of the TV for babies and the actions of the government over it. Seemingly the government has disagreed to let the babies watch television but rather real communication should be made with them. But Gore disapproves of this idea. Since being a single mother she has to handle not only the child but the household, her studies, and job. She goes to college does the sub-minimum wage training program. She can barely spare any time for her chores. TV has come in handy for her as a babysitter for her child. But the American Academy of Pediatrics is against this idea. She has shown a disapproval of this idea and showed alternatives through this essay.


In this essay, Gore has shown that a single mother has to face a lot of challenges. A single mother has to look at her own education plus also look after her child's upbringing. In this situation TV has come in handy since she couldn't afford a caretaker for her baby. American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) is running a campaign for babies to stop parents from exposing children to television. The children under the age of 2 years are completely banned from watching televisions. Moreover, the AAP recommends parental supervision for twenty-four hours. The writer disagrees with this mandate given by the AAP.


As the writer suggests smart parenthood can be lean=rned from the essay. Television can be used smartly and used as an effective parent for the children. parents can introduce creative thinking through TV in small kids. This way the parents can provide better knowleg=dge to children, they can study and do their jobs effectively and at the same time reduce their expenses for the caretaker. It also is against the stereotypes that TV is always harmful but better in many ways if used smartly.


The thoughts of Gore about AAP's decisions to ban children from watching television.As a single mother like Gore herself the AAP's decision to completely ban TV to children is unacceptable since when TV is used creatively you can introduce critical thinking in the children's mind. But as the AAP, it is viewed harmful to expose children to only the TV. It limits them and confines them to TV alone and make them socially awkward.


The essay itself is very contemporary and written in a simple understandable language. It doesn't contain any literary complexities. The text is able to provide real emotions to the essay since it has been written by a writer who actually faced these circumstances. It contains true characters hence is more realistic. Casual idioms and phrases have made the novel more informative and fun to read.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

HOW TO WRITE A JOURNAL : KU guide of writing journal

Warming Up:

You need to buy a Number 3 register. You can get this register simply in any local stationery. Follow your teacher's instructions for writing the journal.

If you are unclear here are the basics requirements of your journal:

1. The first page:

You will index this page in Roman number i.e. 'i'.

It is titled General Information. It contains your name, your group (CE, EE, ME, ENE, etc.), roll number, date of birth, education (slc/see, higher school and the current level) along with the name of the institution, nationality, e-mail address, contact number and residence address.

2. The second page:

You will index this page in Roman number i.e.'ii'.

In the second page, you write an introduction to yourself. It can be both in first person (referring to yourself as 'I') or in the third person (referring to yourself as 's/he'). The introduction should be in paragraph form and have at least 100 words or as directed by your instructor. The introduction should not be more than a page long.

3. The third page:

You will index this page in Roman number i.e. iii.

From this page onwards you will make a table representing the table of contents as in books or any other format as directed by your instructor.


You will start page numbering normally from this section. This section is divided into two parts.

Flax-Golden Tales:

From this section onwards you will begin writing about every lessons of flax golden you have read in bloom's taxonomy form.

In the creating section of Bloom's taxonomy, you can write poems, stories, essays, sketches, etc. anything related to the topic.

Technical Communication:

On the other half of the journal you will write the articles, you have learned in technical communication. Else you can answer any three questions on the exercise section of the lesson in the technical communication book.


If you have any further questions regarding this you can ask us in the comment section. We are here to help.

Happy studying.


Text Profile:

Writer: Lekhnath Paudel 
Genre: Poem
The event of writing: Against the then Rana rule
Major theme: Seeking freedom

Bloom's Taxonomy:

1. Remember:

The poem parrot in a cage is written by Nepali writer Lekhnath Paudyal and translated by Laxmi Prasad Devkota. The poem is a dramatic monologue of a parrot trapped in cage. The parrot laments about how his dreams are trapped along with him inside that man made daungeon. He sometimes blames his fate and sometimes blames the god.

He remembers his parents and feels sad for his family. His beak is blunt by trying to break free of those bars. Out of desperation, he thinks of ending his life. In the end, he blames for his capability of speaking for his bad curse.

2. Understand:

Through the parrot, the poet has tried to express the agony of being controlled and not being able to run free soar higher skies and eat what duration at which the poet lived in. Tyranny ruled over people like the master ruled upon the parrot. Even the food he ate and water he drank was tasteless and not what he wanted but it was a natural compulsion to just sustain his life. Through the metaphor of twice-born child, the poet shows two phases of the parrot which he used to live i.e. free and the latter what he considers a curse one in the dungeon. He tries to escape but his beak is blunt and he is left with nothing but hopeless.
Through this poem, it is indicated how we find faults in the next person other than yourself when you can not do things by yourself. Like the parrot, we sometimes blame the fate, the supernatural guardians, his own attributes and finally the very human existence.

3. Application:

The parrot is capable of mimicry and speech. For this talent, parrots are kept tamed in many households and are made to be a merry winding doll of human beings.
The parrot here is the representation of the people who are willing to break free. The parrot is speaking for its rights. But, he is kept in cage and is mocked and controlled by people possessing higher potential than him. Similarly, people fighting for their rights are suppressed closed inside iron bars and tormented limiting their access to their very basic requirements.

People with great specialties are framed and are used to fulfill what people at higher posts wish for. They are deprived of their freedom for some luxuries like the parrot who is deprived of flying to easy food and water for its beauty.

4. Analyze:

The poem is more of an appeal of the then people who were brutally ruled by the Ranas. This indirectly expresses the hatred the poet feels towards the government. Since people were not allowed to speak against the rulers, literature was only the way to express their disapproval. The poem has effectively expressed this feeling and made others aware as well. It urges the people to understand that the condition they are in is not due to their fate but it was due to their ill-will and reluctance to fight against them.

The parrot repeatedly puts the blame on his fate. This clearly depicts the human nature as to how they put the blame upon others when they make any mistakes and find themselves in trouble. The parrot might have been warned to not go closer to human habitats but he refused to follow the rules and finally found himself in trouble.

Through the parrot, the poet inspires us to be responsible for our deeds and take responsibility for our own mistakes. Instead of blaming fate we should believe in our intellect and strength.

5. Evaluate:

The poem was originally written in Nepali and later translated in English. During translation, the originality of the poem is lost. The effectiveness which we can find in the Nepali version is absent in English. Since the poem was written some decades before the relevance of the poem is quite absent. Nevertheless, the poem still urges us to have faith in yourself and stop surrendering to fate.


Hey guys, drop comments or any questions you have regarding this subject. We will be updating answers through the blog.

Happy reading.